EMCA is an association with members in 22 European countries and 8 countries in other parts of the world representing vector control professionals, researchers, educators, industry representatives, and students.
The overall objectives of EMCA are to promote professionalism in mosquito control, to provide information about mosquitoes and other related organisms and provide education leading to the reduction of annoyance levels caused by mosquitoes and other vectors and pests of public health importance and thus to the enhancement of health and life quality.
The European Mosquito Control Association, founded in 2000, is a scientific/educational, non profit association operating under the corporation laws of France (Strasbourg). The majority of its members are in Europe but it is an "open" association and anyone may join. Under its bylaws, any agency, organization, institution, association or individual involved in mosquito control and related subjects and interested in the goals of the association may become a member of the EMCA. The Board is composed of 9 members. The seven voting members of the Board are the acting President, the past President, the President-elect, and four members and two non-voting members the Executive Officer and the Treasurer.
EMCA is not governmental nor is it subject to political control, but its services are provided mainly to public agencies and their principal staff members engaged in mosquito control, mosquito research and related activities. However, services are equally available to any agency, company or individual that may request any information or services that EMCA can provide.
There are various special memberships. Individuals as well as governmental or commercial institutions desiring to participate in the work of this association are urged to become Sustaining Members. Furthermore there is the possibility for student membership and persons who have rendered exceptional and distinguished service in the field of mosquito control and related work may be appointed an honorary member.
Grants or services may be accepted by EMCA in accordance with its primary purposes. The EMCA is primarily an information gathering and exchange organization, and a major function is the publication of the Journal of the EMCA, and various special publications e.g. the EMCA/ WHO Guidelines for the control of Mosquitoes of Public Health Importance in Europe.
One annual meeting in the form of a Symposium is held every year in one of the member's countries. At these meetings, which are attended by leading mosquito control professionals and researchers from the members' countries, many papers are presented reporting outstanding research and operational control progress.