The XIth EMCA International Conference entitled "Shaping the future of vector control in Europe" took place at the beautiful city of Palma de Mallorca at the facilities of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB).
There were 194 people attending the conference who came from 23 countries, 87% of the attendees coming from Europe and 13% from other continents.
The conference was preceded by a training course concerning the "identification of non-target fauna in trapping" and "mosquito rearing and repellent testing" in which 25 alumni participated and which was very informative and practice-oriented.
Also there were two other side-events hosted by the EMCA and UIB,
In total, there were 117 contributions at the conference, 4 keynote lectures, 59 oral presentations and 54 poster presentations and the eight sessions covered topics such as the surveillance and management of invasive mosquito species; best practices for mosquito control and biocide management; vector control in the context of disease outbreaks; citizen science and community involvement for mosquito surveillance and control; one health: challenges and perspectives; surveillance and management of black flies, sand flies, ticks, and others; mosquito control in the Mediterranean region and wetland conservation and new technologies and practices in vector control.
The scientific program was framed by multiple social events which gave the opportunity to taste the local food and drinks and to explore historical monuments of Palma.
During the excursion the local mosquito control operator demonstrated mosquito surveillance and control actions including drone applications in the city center of Palma.
During four days an intense exchange of knowledge and views about groundbreaking findings, innovative strategies, and best practices in the field of vector control took place between scientists, vector control professionals and administrative representatives of the public health sector.
Participants discussed the latest advancements in vector surveillance, novel vector control technologies, and community engagement strategies. With a focus on sustainable and effective vector control measures, the conference aimed to contribute significantly to the global effort to reduce the burden of vector-borne diseases and enhance public health on an international scale.
JEMCA Supplement (Abstract Book)
Presentation Files (for EMCA members only)