The president Dr. Francis Schaffner and the Board together with the heads of the Organising Committee, Dr. Carlos Barceló and Prof. Miguel Á. Miranda (UIB), cordially invite you to attend our XI International Conference of the EMCA to be held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, from 7th to 10th November 2023, entitled “SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE VECTOR CONTROL IN EUROPE”.
The 4th EMCA Training Course on laboratory activities with two parts “A- IDENTIFICATION OF NON-TARGET FAUNA IN TRAPPING; B- MOSQUITO REARING AND REPELLENT TESTING” will precede the Conference on the 6th November 2023. Participation to this training course is limited to 25 trainees.
Registrations now open!!
REGISTRATION FEES (includes coffee breaks, lunches, social events)
Training Course (it is mandatory to be registered in the conference to attend the training course)
EMCA members: 50.-€
Non EMCA members: 80.-€
EMCA members: 350.-€
Non EMCA members: 430.-€
Student EMCA members: 200.-€
Student non EMCA members: 240.-€
Accompanying persons: 130.-€
Beginning of registration and submission of abstracts: 1st June 2023
End of abstract submission: 15th August 2023 10th September 2023
Late registration without abstracts: 16th August to 15th September 2023 until 6th October 2023
* JEMCA APCs (Author Processing Charges) for this special issue:
200 € / article (if >2 years of EMCA membership) (-75%)
400 € (if 1-2 years of membership) (-50%)
600 € for non-members (-25%)