The overall objective of the EMCA regarding the communication and collaboration among its members is to disseminate information to its members and others in Europe and neighbouring regions on a regular basis.
Maintaining strong links and collaboration with international organizations, associations and institutions such as WHO (World Health Organization), SOVE (Society for Vector Ecology), E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology), ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), AMCA (American Mosquito Control Association), and PAMCA (Pan-African Mosquito Control Association) is considered an important issue for any professional dealing with the control of potential vectors of a plentitude of diseases that threaten human health.
One of the most important tools for coming up with new strategies for specific subjects of interest is to stimulate networking between the members of EMCA, disseminate and exchange knowledge between European countries and to promote the European co-operation and participation in mosquito control projects in Europe and worldwide.
By defining the limitations of current practices it will be possible to promote the development and implementation of new materials, techniques and tools for mosquito control.
For this reason visits and staff exchanges between the members of the association, in order to improve professional skills in accordance with the EMCA objectives are encouraged.
Every two years a conference is held in one of the member's countries the next one being held in Montenegro, from the 12th to the 16th of March 2017. Conferences by EMCA include a broad range of scientific and operational issues related to mosquitoes and their control bringing together the most up to date interdisciplinary research information and state of the art of control techniques.
As an association of mosquito control professionals and taking into account all the above mentioned efforts, our goal is to give rational and useful advice to governmental decision making bodies as well as society in general, e.g. the resolution on Zika.