In November 2022 many of us met in Mendrisio, Switzerland, during our 10th workshop on “best practices for mosquito control in Europe” (the e-abstract book can be found here). More than hundred participants could participate to the workshop, and 26 people could attend the training course on “identification of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes’ eggs”. Both events were organised at the nice facilities of the University of Applied science of southern Switzerland (SUPSI), and we are so grateful to our colleague Dr Eleonora Flacio for arranging the venue.
The first day did start with a series of invited talks on aspects related to best practices for mosquito control, with the valuable input from representatives of ECDC, EFSA and WHO (the presentations can be found here presenation files*). A complementary poster session allowed additional face-to-face discussions. But a large part of the day was dedicated to group discussions of eight different components of the best practices, and wrap-up presentations and general discussions were given during the second day. At the end of the first day, we also had our AGM, followed by an enjoyable social dinner. This event was also the occasion of talking about mosquitoes and the threat they can generate to the local media, and TV reportage can be view here. (from the 20 min and so)
The workshop was globally very well perceived by the participants, with suggestions to have longer group discussion time slots…
Our goal is to produce guidance documents on best practices for mosquito control in Europe. This workshop was the second step, intended to get input from all workshop participants, the first one having been to draft the eight sections. The next step will be to write, in the coming months, synthetic documents on the major components of the best practices. We will then circulate them within our community (EMCA members) before posting them on our website.
*Only for EMCA members by using their personal username and password. Become an EMCA member here.